Innovation, Opportunities and Technological Advances in a Growing Market
Paints and coatings act as shields that safeguard products from wear and tear during their life span. They also give a new texture and look to the products, and make them more durable, aesthetically pleasing and safer.
From homes and offices, furniture and corridors to cars and toys, paints and coatings are virtually everywhere. And even though paints and coatings have been around for literally thousands of years, manufacturers continue to develop new products and new production technology.
A Growing Market
The global market for paints and coatings is expected to grow at a considerable rate in coming years. According to a report issued by BCC Research, the market is forecasted to reach $164.1 billion by 2021. This is largely being fuelled by increasing demand from both developing and developed countries. Equally, industrial growth in developing economies, and the ever-growing market for consumer goods and automobiles is also contributing to the overall market expansion.
Similar predictions have been made by other market research companies. There is universal agreement that the market is poised to expand. Despite this, paints and coatings manufacturers continue to face an array of challenges. These include global economic uncertainty, regulatory developments and technological advances.
As a result, many paints and coatings manufacturers are responding to these ever-changing market conditions through innovative technology and processes. The aim being to mitigate any potential negative impacts, and maximise any opportunities they create.
Impact of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
One of the biggest environmental issues facing the paints and coatings industry today is that of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions. VOC’s are the organic chemical compounds primarily used as solvents for conventional paints. They are used to enhance a product’s shelf life, improve durability and speed up the drying process.
However, high concentrations of VOC’s can have detrimental effects. Once they enter the air we breathe, they can go into our lungs and create a toxic effect on our bodies.
The various health issues associated with high levels of VOC’s include headaches, respiratory diseases, and the potential weakening of our immune systems. VOC emissions also have negative environmental impacts. They are recognised as one of the primary contributors to global climate change.
Regulations Now in Place
The negative implications associated with VOCS, have led to the implementation of stringent environmental regulations. These include limits on the VOC concentration allowed in certain paints and varnishes.
These regulations and increasing consumer demand have spurred on many manufacturers to embrace alternative and low-VOC paint technologies.
It’s triggered a shift from conventional solvent-based paints to more environmentally friendly options. By 2020, water-based coatings have been projected to gain market share, and surpass solvent based coatings. Most likely because they have lower or no VOC emissions.
Technological Advances
So, to comply with regulations and meet consumer demand, many manufactures have made creating low VOC products a high priority. At the same time, they have taken the opportunity to refine and improve their paints and coatings in other ways.
Thanks to an ongoing focus on innovation, research and development, many of these environmentally-advanced greener alternatives meet or exceed traditional high-VOC products. Significant advances in water-based technology have made this possible, and have resulted in a new selection of products that are easier to apply. They also offer better performance and durability compared to their solvent-based counterparts.
For instance, Benjamin Moore Paints, one of North America’s leading paint brands launched their premium, bio-renewable, zero emissions paint in 2014. This was introduced to meet the demands of the market, which was swaying towards greener, sustainable products. While this eco-friendly paint has the visual appearance of its high VOC equivalents, it has the added advantages of durability, cost-effectiveness and lower environmental impact.
Pigging Solutions for Paints and Coatings Manufacturers
The paints and coatings industry has come a long way. The industry has taken huge steps in transforming and ensuring maximum environmental improvements. But, what does this have to do with pigging technology?
Pigging and product recovery systems are in wide use in the Paints and Coatings industry. That’s because they deliver an extensive range of benefits for manufacturers. For instance, many paints and coatings companies have many different product lines, such as premium low VOC paint, to value ranges. There are also massive ranges of tints, hues, finishes and colours.
When changing from one product to another, there will always be paint that remains in the pipeline from the previous run. It is imperative that all of this product is removed prior to changeover to avoid the risk of contamination, and the cost associated with this.
Contamination risks can be eliminated, flush waste reduced, yields increased, water saved and changeovers speeded up through pigging technology.
HPS pigs provide the performance benchmark of the product recovery industry. Our pigs recover nearly all the residue left in the pipelines (recovery is up to 99.5%). This makes cleaning significantly easier because there’s less product to remove. In this way, it saves resources, product, labour, time and cleaning fluids and helps businesses towards their sustainability goals. For some practical examples, please see our case studies on pigging systems for paint and coatings companies.
Find Out More
HPS Product Recovery Solutions is the world’s leading specialist in liquid product recovery, transfer and hygienic and sanitary pigging systems. For help or advice on improving efficiency, increasing yields and avoiding the risk of contamination by using product recovery and pigging products, then please get in touch.