Case Study – Procter & Gamble Company
P&G, Reading, UK
The P&G Reading site has three HPS pigging systems installed on its deodorant and shaving foam lines.
HPS installed a 2″ pigging system on the deodorant line. This system has an added mid-point to enable the pig to be sent to the half way point and back, to the end of the line and back or from the half way point to the end of the line and back.
HPS also provided two 3″ double pig systems on the shaving foam lines. These double pig systems sends a pig to the source tank, pushing any residue in the pipeline down a drain. The product line is then purged and starts to push the pig to the filler.
P&G found the pigging systems to be extremely effective at recovering their products, which would previously have gone to waste. They also found that when a pig is pushing the product to the filler, the weights of the cans being filled is consistent and reliable, even more so than running the product through the pump.